The Parish of Chinley with Buxworth St James' Churchyard Churchyard Regulations
The Churchyard at St James' falls under the control of the Chancellor of Derby Diocese. It is important to realise that there are strict regulations as to what may be introduced into, or removed from, such a churchyard.
This notice is to inform those visiting and maintaining family graves about various aspects of those regulations The following are extracts from the Guidance Notes of the Diocesan Advisory Committee. (Please note: The incumbent is the Rector or Vicar or Priest-in-Charge and a Faculty is a permission granted by the Chancellor)
1. Permission must be obtained for the introduction of any memorial.
2. No works shall be executed in the churchyard, and nothing shall be erected in it, without the written consent of the incumbent or (where necessary) authorisation by Faculty.
3. Headstones need not be restricted to a rectangular shape. For example, curved tops are preferable to straight-edged ones. However, memorials in the shape of a heart or book are not permitted other than by Faculty, nor are photographs, portraits, kerbs, chains, chippings or glass shades.
4. Flowers may be placed in a removable container, which must be sunk completely into the ground. Wreaths and cut flowers may be placed in such containers or laid on any grave but must be removed as soon as they appear to be withered. No artificial flowers should be allowed except for Remembrance Day poppies and traditional Christmas wreaths and these should be removed after a period of not more than two months. Bulbs may be planted in the soil of any grave.
5. Any vase, flower, or wreath etc. not complying with the above rules may be removed by, or with the authority of, the incumbent at any time.
6. The PCC will keep the surface of the churchyard free from gravemounds and as level as possible so that the churchyard shall be as far as possible kept free of anything which would prevent the maintenance of an even surface or impede the cutting of grass by a mower.
The purpose of these directions is:-
1. to clarify the legal position regarding the erection of memorials and other matters which may require authorisation by Faculty or otherwise;
2. to ensure that the distinctive character of a churchyard will be preserved and that anything placed in it will be of good design and in harmony with the surroundings;
3. generally to promote the care and maintenance of churchyards in accordance with a consistent policy throughout the Diocese.
PLEASE NOTE: The planting of trees, shrubs, private gardens and the installation of unauthorised kerbs, edges and wire hoops, lanterns are not allowed by the Regulations.
Those tending graves are requested to ensure that they conform with the above.