Hello! We are a vibrant and supportive collection of people who meet together to learn more about the love, hope and joy that the Bible speaks of.


Our services include excellent music leading and we try to provide a space that is welcoming and accessible to all.


Our congregation includes people from across wide range of ages, including a few young families as well as some very spritely people of retirement age.


The Chinley and Buxworth Parish consists of two churches about 1.25 miles apart, St. James’ in Buxworth and St. Mary’s in Chinley. The pattern of services has changed since Covid and whilst we have been in vacancy (operating without a vicar) but we regularly review what is working and what suits both those that currently attend and those in the wider community who may be looking to join us.


The main services are currently at 10am each week and alternate between the 2 churches with a combination of Holy Communion and All Age Morning Worship services. We are very fortunate, whilst we are currently in vacancy, to be supported by 3 retired clergy who live in the parish and other local visiting ministers as well as very capable and thoughtfully put together services led by people from within the congregation.


We also have a monthly, informal, activity based service called 4ALL (because it is at 4pm and it is for ALL). More information on that can be found here.


We recognise our need to be relevant to the wider community and are active in seeking new ways of engaging with it. We work with other churches and Christians in the area to provide a range of relevant opportunities for people to find out more about our faith and to support those in need. Information about some of these joint initiatives, which includes our 'Lighting Up Chinley, Buxworth and Beyond' activities are provided here.


In addition, Chinley and Buxworth Parish is in the Peak Deanery of the Diocese of Derby. This parish was joined with the Parish of Hayfield to form a joint benefice in 2000. The two parishes are separate and distinctive communities but the churches do aim to work together where it makes sense to support one another. For more information on Hayfield Parish see here.


There are no current Church Wardens but the PCC acts as a committee to fulfil the required roles between them with the first point of contact being the Lay-chair, Mike McCabe. Or use the contact us form.